Our History
In 1990, the elders of the Brainerd church of Christ began a city-wide discussion of the area churches of Christ as to whether or not we could, together, plant a church in our Inner City. A meeting was held for all area congregations at Boyd-Buchanan School. Brethren from Nashville Inner City came to share their experience in church planting in the Inner City. Initially some 15 congregations committed to make the work possible with both funds, volunteer teachers, and facilities. That number would swell to 20 participating congregations. The Brainerd church of Christ agreed to oversee this city-wide work.
A team of missionaries were recruited who had trained in Nashville’s work. Brian Davis, who had grown-up at the Brainerd church of Christ and had trained to be a missionary, was selected as the team leader. Five young men from the Nashville Inner City church of Christ volunteered to come and be vocational missionaries in those early days. A store front site was selected at the corner of Central and Main in Chattanooga’s Inner City as the offices and initial worship center for Chattanooga Inner City Outreach. Nashville Inner City Ministry helped acquire buses for the program that would begin outreach to six Inner City communities. On average, some 200 volunteers were involved weekly in the outreach efforts.
As the Bible study contacts became Christians, and as the Christians formed into a congregation, the East Chattanooga church of Christ deeded their church building over to the new congregation to facilitate its further growth. Thus the Inner City church of Christ was firmly planted. Over time, other families joined the outreach team who worked tirelessly to transform lives for Christ. In 1997, Kenneth Dupree joined the team and continues to provide dedicated leadership to this vital ministry to Chattanooga’s Inner City community. The Chattanooga Inner City church of Christ continues to provide a light of love and hope through Jesus Christ!